


于博,男,主任医师,医学博士,博士生导师,珠江医院骨科中心创伤骨科副主任,哈佛大学访学副教授,德国弗莱堡大学AO fellow,美国VA healthcare system博士后; 一、学术任职: 1. 中国复合材料学会生物复合材料专业委员会委员 2. 广东省创伤骨科学会青年委员 3. 广东省医师协会骨关节外科学会青年委员 4. 中国医药教育骨科专业委员会广东省骨科分会委员 5. 广东省高等学校“千百十人才培养工程”培养对象 6. 中国科技部国家科技专家库成员 7. 国家自然科学基金评审专家 8. 《实用医学杂志》、《生物骨科材料与临床研究》杂志审稿人 二、擅长: 熟练掌握复杂创伤救治技术,复杂骨折、骨不连及感染的手术治疗,人工髋关节置换及翻修手术,人工膝关节置换手术及术后快速康复计划,股骨头坏死的保髋治疗,膝关节韧带重建手术,肩关节运动损伤的关节镜下微创治疗(肩关节不稳及脱位,肱二头肌长头腱病变及损伤,肩袖损伤、黏连性肩周炎等),慢性骨髓炎 等疾病的治疗。 三、学习经历: 2013年9月-11月作为AO fellow在德国弗赖堡大学附属医院(德国排名第三的医院)骨科访学,师从德国著名创伤外科专家Suedcamp和肩关节外科专家 Martin Yeaga,系统的学习了复杂骨折内固定技术、肩关节运动损伤、肩关节不稳等关节镜下微创治疗技术、全肩关节及反肩关节置换技术等。2014年12月-2016年3月作为国家公派访问学者布列根妇女医院(美国排名第六)骨科访学,师从美国著名膝关节外科专家Thomas Thorhill和Walfgang Fitz,系统的学习了膝关节置换及翻修手术,个体化膝关节假体设计及置换技术,髋膝关节置换术后早期康复技术,2015年6月-2016年3月在美国哈佛大学麻省总医院(美国排名第一)运动医学科和肩关节外科,师从美国著名的运动医学专家Matthew Provencher及美国肩肘外科协会前主席J.P. Warner,系统的学习了膝关节及肩关节运动损伤的关节镜下微创技术,髌骨不稳的重建技术等。 四、学术成就: 进行骨科基础与临床工作14年,共发表SCI论文16 篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者发表 SCI 论文13 篇,总被引次数106 次,发表TERMIS 国际会议论文摘要2 篇(被 Tissue Engineering Part A 收录),公开发明专利一项。共承担国家自然基金项目2 项、教育部博士点基金1项、广东省自然科学基金2项,目前正在承担 2013 年国家自然科学基金面上项目一项和2014 年广东省自然科学基金一项。 五、主要论著(#为共同通讯作者,*为通讯作者) [1] Yan Chen#, Rui Liu# , Yong Gong, XiXi Wu, Zhi Huang, Chao Dong , Chentian Li, Bo Yu*, The ultrasound elastic imaging monitoring of the injectable chitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen bone scaffolds and comparisons with micro-CT and histological changes, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 2016,1 (SCI, IF:=2.07) [2] Rui Liu#, XiXi Wu#, Jiyan Li, Xujie Liu, Zhi Huang, Yue Yuan, Xiaoying Gao, Bomiao Ling, Bo Yu*, Yan Chen*, The promotion of bone tissue regeneration by BMP2-derived peptide P24- loaded calcium phosphate cement microspheres, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(2): 3177–3189. (SCI, IF= 2.60 ) [3] Li X*, Liu W, Sun L, Aifantis KE, Bo Yu*, Fan Y*, Feng Q, Cui F, Watari F 2014. Effects of physicochemicalproperties of nanomaterials on their toxicity. J Biomed Mater Res Part A,2015, 103(7): 2499-2507. (SCI,IF=3.37) [4] Li X*, Liu W, Sun L, Aifantis KE, Bo Yu*, Fan Y*, Feng Q, Cui F, Watari F. Resin composites reinforced by nanoscaled fibers or tubes for dental regeneration[J]. BioMed research international, 2014, 2014.( SCI,IF=1.58) [5] Fupo He#, Yan Chen#, Jiyan Li, Bomiao Lin, Yi Ouyang, Bo Yu, Yuanyou Xia, Bo Yu*, Jiandong Ye*. Improving bone repair of femoral and radial defects in rabbit by incorporating PRP into PLGA/CPC composite scaffold with unidirectional pore structure. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2015:103A:1312–1324.(SCI, IF=3.37) [6] Bo Yu#, Yichen Zhang#, Xiaoming Li*, Qiongren Wang, Yi Ouyang, Yuanyou Xia, Bo Yu, Bomiao Lin, Songjian Li, Yubo Fan, and Yan Chen*. The use of injectable Chitosan/Nanohydroxyapatite/collagen composites with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to promote ectopic bone formation in vivo. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, 11, 506593.(SCI, IF=1.67) [7] Yan Chen#, Yuting Yan#, Xiaoming Li*, He Li, Yue Yuan, Xiaoying Gao, Xixi Wu, Jisheng Zhong, Bomiao Lin, Yubo Fan, and Bo Yu*. Osteogenesis capability and degradation property evaluation of injectable biomateials: Comparison of computed tomography and ultrasound. Journal of nanomaterials, 2013, 4, 763937.(SCI, IF=1.67) [8] Zhi Huang#, Bo Yu#, Qingling Feng*, Songjian Li, Yan Chen, Luqiao Luo. In situ-forming chitosan/nano -hydroxyapatite/collagen gel for the delivery of bone marrow mesenchymal stem. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011,85:21-267.(SCI, IF= 4.07) [9] Yan Chen#, Songjian Li#, Xiaoming Li*, Yichen Zhang, Zhi Huang, Qingling Feng,Zhilai Zhou, Bomiao Lin, and Bo Yu*. Noninvasive evaluation of injectable Chitosan /Nano-hydroxyapatite /Collagen scaffold via ultrasound.Journal of nanomaterials, 2012, 6, 939821.(SCI, IF=1.64) [10] Yan Chen# , Zhi Huang#, Songjian Li , Yichen Zhang , Zhilai Zhou , Qingling Feng , Bo Yu*, Xiaoming Li*. In vitro biocompatibility and osteoblast differentiation of an injectable Chitosan/Nano hydroxyapatite/Collagen scaffold. Journal of nanomaterials, 2012, 6, 401084.(SCI, IF=1.64) [11] Xujie Liu#, Yan Chen#, Qianli Huang, Wei He, Qingling Feng*, Bo Yu*. A novel thermosensitive hydrogel based on thiolated chitosan/hydroxyapatite/beta-glycerophosphate. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014;110:62-69.(SCI, IF=4.07) [12] Yan Chen#, Yuting Yan#, Xiaoming Li *, He Li, Huiting Tan, Huajun Li, Yanwen Zhu, Philipp Niemeyer, Matin Yaega, and Bo Yu *. Application of Ultrasound on Monitoring the Evolution of the Collagen Fiber Reinforced nHAC/CS Composites In Vivo. BioMed Research International, 2014;2014:418302. (SCI, IF=1.58) [13] Zhi Huang#, Yan Chen#, Qingling Feng*, Bo Yu*, Wei Zhao, Jing Tian, Songjian Li, Bomiao Lin. In vivo bone regeneration with injectable chitosan/hydroxyapatite/collagen composites and mesenchymal stem cells. Front Mater Sci,2011,5:301-310.(SCI,IF=1.0) [14] Yu Bo, Chen Y, Liu Rui, Gong Yong, Spector Myron. The Promotion of Bone Regeneration by the Chitosan-p24/hydroxyapatite Scaffold Via Modulation on Tgf beta-1/BMP/Smad Signaling Pathway. Tissue Engineering Part A 2015;211:S179-S179. (会议摘要, IF=4.45) [15] Yu Bo, Chen Y, Liu Rui, Gong Yong, Spector Myron. The Ultrasound Elastic Imaging Monitoring of an Injectable CS/nHAC Scaffold and Comparisons with Micro-ct, DXA and Histological Changes. Tissue Engineering Part A 2015;211:S253-S253.(会议摘要, IF=4.45) [16] Li X*, Liu H, Niu X, Yu B, Fan Y, Feng Q, Cui FZ, Watari F. The use of carbon nanotubes to induce osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived MSCs in vitro and ectopic bone formation in vivo.Biomaterials.2012, ,33(19),4783-4916(SCI,IF:8.5) [17] Huang Z, Tian J, Yu B,Xu Y, Feng Q*. A bone-like nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen loaded injectable scaffold. Biomedical Materials, 2009,4(5):Epub 2009 Sep 23.(SCI,IF:3.6) [18] Huang, Z., Feng, Q. *, Yu B., & Li, S.. Biomimetic properties of an injectable chitosan/nanohydroxyapatite /collagen composite. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2011, 31(3), 683-687.(SCI,IF:1.8) [19] Dong, C., Yu B., Hu, Z. B., Zhou, Z. L., Yang, H., & Jin, A. M*. (2015). Rosuvastatin implant for local bone specific drug delivery in osteoporotic bone fracture. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 5(7), 565-569. (SCI,IF=2.0) [20] 冯庆玲,刘旭杰,于博,陈彦,刘睿,一种接多肽壳聚糖/羟基磷灰石/珍珠粉支架的制备方法,2014.9.10-2034.6.18,北京, CN201410273052.6


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